Friday, May 17, 2013

Cruz Diez, an excellent photographer. Cruz Diez, un excelente fotógrafo

Cruz-Diez en Blanco y Negro. This is an exceptional and unprecedented show featuring a previously unseen facet of the artist: his photographic work between 1942 and 1986. Just went to see it yesterday, to admire the work of this great artist. I took a few pictures:

Cruz-Diez en Blanco y Negro es una muestra excepcional e inédita en la que se exhibe una faceta nunca antes vista del artista: su trabajo fotográfico entre 1942 y 1986. Ayer pasé a verla y a admirar el trabajo fotográfico de este artista. He aquí algunas imágenes que capturé:

The Rolleiflex used by Cruz Diez
Here is a link to a Christakis Schinis, a photographer that showcases a set of photographs taken with a Rolleiflex on 2011:

Link a la muestra del artista en Caracas:

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